Category: arcgis desktop

  • Arc2Earth Sync Beta Announced

    Over on Google+ (and also on Twitter), Brian Flood announced the impending availability of Arc2Earth Sync Beta to existing Arc2Earth users. This has been brewing for for a while and Brian says it best: “What makes Sync really cool is the live edit synchronization and the ability to publish online to different formats. It’s a…

  • PgMap Is Now SpatialKit

    I blogged a while back on PgMap, a freeware ArcGIS extension for directly connecting to PostGIS. ST-Links, the makers of PgMap, sent out an e-mail this morning announcing that PgMap and QMap (the equivalent technology for interacting with SQL Server 2008 spatial data) have been combined into a single tool called SpatialKit. This move comes…

  • Pre-FOSS4G Roundup

    I’m getting ready to head out to Denver for the 2011 installment of FOSS4G. It seems like my biggest problem will be figuring out how to clone myself in order to sit in every session. Open-source geospatial is such a vibrant and active area right now that there’s just so much to see and learn.…

  • So, Which Is It?

    Update: I pulled this link out of the comment thread below to emphasize it. It seems to answer this question for now: Since my previous posts about PgMap and the shuttering of zigGIS, the nature of the planned support for connecting directly to spatial databases from ArcGIS 10.1 has gotten somewhat muddier. One of…

  • Taking A Look At PgMap

    When I blogged about the official end of zigGIS last week, I included a mention of PgMap, a free extension to ArcMap for direct read/edit of PostGIS data. Judging from outbound links, there seems to be a good bit of interest in it so I decided to take a look. To recap, Abe decided to…