Category: postgresql

  • Planet PostGIS Online

    Planet PostGIS, an aggregation of PostGIS-related blog content is now online. As the name suggests, it is built using the same technology as James Fee’s Planet Geospatial but is focused on content related to PostGIS. If you are working with PostGIS, whether as part of an open-source stack or in conjunction with proprietary tools such…

  • Breaking Radio Silence

    Things have been kind of quiet on the blog lately due to things being busy at work. I call that a good problem to have. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve written a a lot of proposals for a mixture of potential customers. Interestingly, I’m seeing a lot more call for “GIS Analyst” work.…

  • FOSS4G North America

    It’s rather fitting that the second plenary talk on Wednesday had to do with “firehose” applications since the FOSS4G North America (FOSS4GNA) conference was something of a firehose in itself. Despite the fact that the event was smaller than the worldwide event in Denver back in October, I came away with the same “full brain”…

  • Speaking of the 84%…

    HT to Sophia Parafina for the 84%. UPDATE: The NSIS script at utility batch file discussed here is now on github at I’ll post a readme in the next day or so. A few months ago, I asked the following question on Twitter and got this reply from Paul Ramsey: We are working…

  • zigGIS: The End of the Road

    Abe Gillespie made it official today on the zigGIS Google Group: development on zigGIS will cease.